Origami photo

POTR ~ Eco, self-watering, origami plant pots

$ 7,50

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More about POTR POTS
Potr pots

For whom?


For those who value durable things

Don’t worry if you happen to knock your POTR on the floor, unlike a traditional ceramic pot it will take the fall in its stride.


For those who love modern design

We strived to achieve something that would look beautiful in your home while being incredibly functional and intuitive to use.


For those who don't have enough time to regular water indoor plants

Water is drawn up through the cotton by the plant using tried and tested wicking technology. It’s particularly useful if you aren’t able to water them yourself on a regular basis!

Saves time
Potr pots

POTR Pots Features

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Flat pack postage

The pots will be shipped flat packed, so they can be slipped through your letter box

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Easy assembly

POTR Pots are super easy (and super satisfying) to assemble using the quick draw cotton cord

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Simply add water into the pot — if your plant is thirsty it will automatically start drinking the water through the cotton cord. Magic!


Meet the POTR team!

martin and andy photo

Andy and Martin are experienced product designers with a love of plants and the environment. They have over ten years combined industry experience in bringing products to market at some of the worlds largest consumer product companies.

Having studied Product Design Engineering together at the Glasgow School of Art, they have a long history of working as a team on a variety of design projects.

Potr pots

Materials and Features

Environmentally friendly

All materials used in our pots are made from 100% recycled materials and are 100% recyclable at the end of life (should you ever choose to get rid of your POTR!). All materials have been sourced from within Europe to reduce our carbon footprint when transporting the raw materials, and all manufacturing is carried out in the UK.

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We have chosen Bobbiny recycled cotton cord to use as our draw string and wicking cord. Not only is it 100% recycled, it looks great and works really well at wicking water.
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Potr pots

Which size POTR for my house plant ?

Pre potted plants come in fairly standard sized pots, and can be classified into one of two categories:

POTR sizes box


Large POTR Pot = 14cm diameter (1.5 litre) house plant pot or less


Small POTR Pot = 10cm diameter (0.49 litre) house plant pot or less

POTR Pots have a little bit of give around the top rim so can fit slightly larger sizes than the recommended sizes stated above if necessary.

second order pictures

Easy assembly

Pull the draw string to assemble!

Flat pack postage

POTR pots arrive flat packed in an envelope!


Add water to POTR and watch your plant drink!

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Potr pots